Lexington, KY to Pagosa Springs, CO - 2,154 miles |
February 5
Angelo's Tavern
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
After a day off spent in Bartlesville (a cute city but with terrible tornado warning sirens that they test everyday that cause quite a bit of terror in an out of town band who has no earthly idea whether or not they should take cover from an impending twister or just say our goodbyes before a nuclear bomb takes us out), we played a show at a tiny little bar called Angelo's. It was a good enough time for a Tuesday night.
How do I spend my day off? Coloring and watching Disney movies. Brave is awesome, btw. |
No matter where we go, this Kentucky girl will find a tv to watch the Cats play. |
...and then we offended all the Blake shelton fans before realizing we were in his home state of Oklahoma #burningnashville |
Super star-struck moment. Morgan from Sevendust liked one of my pics on Instagram. Like, seriously, I can't even tell you how fan girl crazy happy this made me. |
There comes a point on tour that I completely give up on my appearance. That point is today. Vneck. Leggings. Boots. #merchgirlprobs |
February 6
Lizard Lounge
Wichita, Kansas
Of all the states I have travel through with the band, Kansas may be my least favorite. It's just really ugly. And methy.
Kansas is one ugly state from what I've seen so far |
The day after I give up on my appearance is the day that I begin to hate everyone. That day is today. #dontspeak #tourlife #grrrrrrr |
So one of the quirky (i say quirky because it's a nicer way of saying "completely necessary yet terrifying and really sucky) things about the way that the band travels is our accommodations. There are many times where we don't want to waste money on a hotel and we have a connection with people in a town and they give us a place to stay. I want to preface this rant with a statement of gratitude: I have come to so appreciate the kindness of strangers willing to give a traveling band of big, hairy men and their merch lady a place to sleep, as well as food and anything else we need. And also, I understand it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round, etc. But. Some of those kinds are very different from me, and are quite a fan of Precious Moments. Not judging. Just observing. Maybe being a fan of Precious Moments makes you a kick-ass cook. Maybe they have nothing in common. All I know is both occurred in Kansas, along with a fair amount of other small town shit. But yeah. Mama lady made some ammmazzzzingggg biscuits, and that is all I have left to say.
It takes all kinds. A metaphor represented well by all these Precious Moments. All kinds. |
Tornado Rose. Really great band! |
"This is for our friend Kelli who always has to a-smelly us" #unfortunatetruth |
Hank III may just be the most god awful music any bar i'm working in has ever played. I'm on the verge of terrible violence.
A pirate, a duck, and a Justin. |
Too much attractiveness for the internet to handle. |
My new tat. Please note that it looks red like after you get a real tattoo. That's thanks to the tattoo artist smacking the shit out of my arm. Anything for authenticity, yall. |
I love biker bars!! And biker guys. They look so tough but most of them are such sweethearts. |
Me and Miss Rocklahoma, my new friend Sara Saint Sin |
I let a dog lick my face. I blame this on fried biscuits. Yes, I ate a biscuit friend in bacon grease. Clearly my judgement was skewed by all the Precious Moments. And apple pie. |
February 7
Jax Sports Grill
Garden City, Kansas
This show was not fun times. It is no fun playing in a restaurant. People don't care about the music, they don't care about the merch. It was just a necessary stop on the way to an ammmmmaazzzzzzingggg weekend in Colorado.
"Green eyes and a heart of gold"- The Lone Bellow. Also, I take too many selfies while bored in the back of the van. |
"Our friend Kelli gets really angry and throws things at us if she doesn't get shots" |
That whole thing about hank 3 being the worst thing I've heard in a bar? Yeah, I take that all back now.
There's some small town shit going down in this bar tonight. I hate Kansas. Buy things from me to make me hate it less.
And then I got to have my first experience with the band of driving all. night. long.
Drinking mead like a Viking-- Just fyi, if you've never tried mead, don't. Don't ever do it. The one taste I had still scars me.
"i used to have a heart but the highway took it" @hayescarll
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